Stuck In An Exercise Rut?

Stuck In An Exercise Rut?

If you’re finding you’re going round in circles with your exercising and not getting the results you want it’s really worth reassessing or perhaps addressing for the first time what your goals are; what you want the end outcome to be.

From here you can work backwards and address what type of exercise you need to be doing to hit your goal.

As an example, my ultimate goal is to live well for longer, if I drill this down a little further I want to able to continue enjoying running, I want to be strong and lean and I want to be flexible and mobile (to move with ease). I also want to look good (It’s vital to be honest with yourself about what your goals to get the right results.)

In order to achieve and maintain the above I need to address my cardiovascular and respiratory health, muscle development and bone density plus mobility and nutrition. So I need an exercise programme that includes cardio training, resistance training and flexibility/mobility training. I will also need to keep a check on my nutrition to make sure I’m fuelling myself sufficiently and keep an eye on my energy balance.

If you have specific goals I strongly suggest you operate in this way to succeed. If you need any help in this area please get in touch via my contact page. I’d love to hear from you!

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